
H&M Loves Lanvin..I don't

I was very exited about the H&M Loves Lanvin collection. Thrilled, that's the word. I tought; yes! this will be a good collection, I mean, what could go wrong? French, quality, designer and a little touch of H&M. I was só curious about the collection and expected a lot. But when it was shown on the 2nd of November, I was véry dissapointed. The collection is not wear-able on a daily base. It's just not, who's going to wear a 150 euro, one shoulder, puffy dress to work or at home? And which person is buying a cupcake-petticoat looking that costs 200 euro's? Out of more than 40 pieces, there's only one thing I would buy from the collection. It's not just the dresses, but the prices should be low. That's one thing H&M promised the costumers, but there's only one dress that costs less than 149 euro's. How crazy is that.
It's not original at all. River Island, Sustilo and Topshop sell the same things as a Lanvin designed collection for a price that's way better. The only thing i actually like, is the tshirt with the skirt and legs and the paper bags they put the articles in. Really. Whát a disaster. I love shoes, but I guess even Primark does better than these plastic looking objects.
Lanvin could do much better. There campain was about; a guy that doesn't know how to please his girl'. I wish they would know how to please costumers.

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