

Some pictures of presents and food. From last 2 weeks.

1. Bracelets my friend Linda made for my birthday
2. Mi Moneda chain. My mom gave me the gorgeous pearly coin
3. Ray Ban glasses, my dad's old one, almost 20 years old.
4. Champagne at Florian
5. Macarons
6. Latte & pie at Cuore di Leone


Blogs; Paris VS. New York

Yesterday, I discovered this great blog!

Funny, interesting and above all very nice presented!



Outfit #1. Lazy Monday in the city.

I promised to do some more outfit posts. So here's the first, very lazy, low fashion outfit! :D I will be in Rotterdam a LOT the coming time so hopefully some more of these gorgeous backgrounds.

Boots UGG. Jeans TRUTH OR DARE. Blouse OBJECT. Jacket ZARA.