

WOAAAA! When I did my casual round of blogs last night, I stopped by The Blonde Salad as always but this time, I fell in love. O.M.G. I love the new Alexander Wang sandals!

They look so easy to walk on(which they probably aren't), they have different colours and are fashionable. To pay them I'll have to suffer for a while(they are a little less than my wage this month, 15 euros less to be exact, pretty good for some work in the weekend though) but anyhow, I'm up for it!

photo ww.theblondesalad.com

Love them as well?

Lots of love!

WOAAAH! Toen ik gisteravond mijn dagelijkse rondje blogs deed, kwam ik langs The Blonde Salad, zoals gewoonlijk. Deze keer werd ik verliefd. O.M.G. wat zijn ze prachtig, de nieuwe Alexander Wang sandalen!

Het lijkt alsof ze superlekker lopen(wat waarschijnlijk niet zo is), mooie kleuren en materialen en zijn bovenal fashionable. Om ze te kunnen betalen zal ik even moeten lijden (ze kosten bijna evenveel als mijn maandloon van januari, 15 euro minder, wat nog best oke is voor wat weekendwerk) maar dat heb ik er in ieder geval voor over!

Vind jij ze ook zo mooi?!


In love with..

Chanel nailpolish!

After my post about nailpolish, I tought I could do a special post about my(small) collection of Chanel nailpolishes. I would love to show you my whole nailpolish collection, but since I live with my mom and dad theres loads of nailpolish at both places(no idea where, big mess in both rooms) and before I find all of them..we'll probably be in March or April..

Chanel nagellak!

Na mijn post over mijn favoriete nagellakjes dacht ik, waarom niet één over mijn(kleine) Chanel nagellak collectie?! Ik zou graag m'n hele nagellak collectie laten zien..MAAR ik woon bij m'n vader én moeder en in beide huizen ligt een ladig(geen idee waar vanwege grote rotzooi in beide kamers) en voor ik die bij elkaar heb..zijn we waarschijlijk al in maart of april..



This week..

In pictures..

How would you like more lifestyle photo's in my diary!? Like what I did instead of just the food as I did today..

Last week was all about Valentine wasn't it?! My mum gave me a big can of pink/white/red jelly beans(sooooo English, I like!). The further week was ALL about school. I had a few exams(Dutch, English) and had to work on my Business Plan.

We went out for dinner as well. My mom, her boyfriend, my brother and I went to Frederik Hendrik in a town nearby. They have a new concept since two months, the plates are filled with small dishes so you can taste everything on the menu, I started with..SUSHI!

Than the weekend was already there! Friday I painted and glittered my Converse shoes. I still have to do the details so they will be online very soon!

Saturday I had to work and than..SUNDAY! First, I had a high tea at my friend Els for her birthday, as always, the food was AMAZING, nothing less for the drinks ofcourse. Than in the evening..I was snowwhite at the Dutch Carnaval! I looooved my little dress! You?

Monday morning, look what I found in the fridge, fresh strawberries. Not the best taste yet but just to get the feel of spring/summer..


Keep calm and..

have some food?!

Last monday my exams started and it is SO much more work than I thought! Sometimes I had to treat myself with a little(LOT) of chocolat or a nice sandwich..wanna see?!

 My dad is leaving his job soon, so there was a 'goodbye party' at our place and dad made some amazing treats. Can you see he's a chef?!

 When it was REALLY cold, my mum wanted to drop me of at the train station, but we were 15 minutes early. Luckily McDonalds is RIGHT next to the station, so we had a lovely coffee!

 After a loooong day at school I treated myself with a nice bath, and yes, those are chocolat eggs, a bit early, but the biggest guilty pleasure EVER! And than..the books, LOVE LETTERS I and LOVE LETTERS II, with love letters written by Napoleon and other famous men and woman!

 Bad photo, but anyway, this is what EVERY weekday night looks for me the next 4 weeks, how about my computer mouse?!

 Floor, my classmate, and me, were at school on a Saturday last week, in our break we went to Bagels&Beans and both had a sandwich with goats cheese, LOVE!

And on our way back they were spreading the new pringles at stations and in town centres, lucky day?!

My excuses for the lack of posting, tomorrow I'll try to take some outfit photo's!

Lots of love!


The ´Burgundy´ babe!

When I saw Isabella her Style Report from Social Morphose I started to follow them on Facebook and today, a style report about me was online! They putted up a real nice story as well, which is in Dutch, but I translated it as well! Thank you Social Morphose!

Carlijn, ‘The Burgundy Babe’. Je doet me een beetje op Nigella Lawson denken. Met volle teugen geniet jij van ‘food and fashion’. Voor jou dan ook deze ‘yummie’ outfit.

De dieppaarse a-symetrische rok in combinatie met de creamy top, turquoise purse, tangerine boyfriend blazer en belt zijn stuk voor stuk om je vingers bij af te likken. Samen met de watertandend mooie armbanden en ‘eye candy’ platform heels zal jij overal waar je verschijnt van de zomer een zoete inval zijn.

Carlijn, the ´Burgundy´ babe! You make me think of Nigella Lawson. You enjoy fashion and food to the fullest! That´s why I putted you in this ´yummy´ outfit!

The deep purple a-symetric skirt in combination with the creamy top, turquoise purse, tangerine boyfriend blazer and belt are yummy pieces for the eye! Toghether with the stunning bracelets and platforms you'll be a super sweet sensation!

1. Topshop Tangerine Boyfriend Blazer
2. Dorothy Perkins Ivory Zip Pocket Minimal tee
3. Urban Outfitters Evil Ywin Violet Omen Tail Skirt
4. Gucci 3156 Beige RVS FM Sunglasses
5. Burberry Prorsum Kingfisher Bag
6. Roberta Chiarella Coral Social Stretch Bracelet
7. Aurelie Bidermann Braided Bracelet
8. Bauble Bar Grape Colorblock Bangle
9. Modcloth Time after Time Bracelet
10. ASOS Metal Keeper Skinny Patent Orange Belt
11. Marcos Multi colored platform shoe
12. Nigella Lawson Feast Cook book
13. Essie Nailpolish, Bahama Mama, a warm, rich, creamy deep plum


Little List..

This time, a list with my favourite trends!

1. Skinny jeans!
I remember a Dutch artist on Idols sayin´ ´I would NEVER wear one of those ´carrot´ pants
1´. Well, I saw her last year and I bet she has about 20 in her closet. Anyhow I actually was with her at the time. But since I got a skinny jeans, I NEVER wanted something else and will never say some trend is ugly or that I would never wear it. You can find me in any colour or type. Coated, pink, black, with and without zippers, heels or sandals.. you name it!

2. Hats!
Again, 3 years ago I thought Í´d never buy a hat, but I looooove them now. I´m planning to buy a JOSH V hat next season!

3. Sequins
Totally in love. I was quite late on this one actually. First I thought they were a bit over the top, but now I wear my sequined shirt a LOT. A sequined dress, clutch and maybe a skirt or hotpants are on my list!

4. Skirts
Guess it´s not a trend, but still. Anyhow, something I also discovered just yet! Since my Topshop skirt I didn´t buy another, but now, I see SO MUCH nice ones that I really love, and I´m already thinking about which ones and combinating them..bad isn´t it

5. (biker)Boots
BIG like for them! I´m still saving a bit for the ZARA ones, the black ones with black studs. Rough, but detailed and wearable everyday. Since the dark green ones I can´t think of a better kind of shoe(apart from the high heel ofcourse) that´s better to combinate! Skirts, jeans, dresses, shorts, everything is possible!

What is your favourite trend?


Last week..

This week, I was travelling a LOT for school, my exams start next Monday, and to get the last points, all my classmates and me were doing some workshops!

1. I organised a workshop with Daals Traiteurs/Daals Keurslager(Catering company) and at the end of the workshop, we got a little goodie bag with a little cook book, a very Dutch sausage: 'Rookworst' and a 'Boerke' which is a dried sausage with a special ingredient(one of my all time favourites!)

2. Today I went to school for nothing, the teacher I needed, wasn't at school, so I decided to buy myself a nice cup of tea(needed, it was -10 C.) to survive the trip home.

3. Working for cán be nice, we were treated with these sandwiches!

4. Very bad! I'm trying to watch my weight a bit, but I couldn't resist this fresh waffle..

5./6. My classmate bob also organised a workshop with wineseller Kroese in Epe.


Wish, a wish, right now!

Just a few minutes ago, I checked out the ZARA site, where I found some new products I love..

As you can see, turquoise is something I really like, and I'm also into the asymmatric skirts and dresses! There's a thousand ways to combinate..

As in the picture, with boots, to make it rough or with heels/wedges to create long legs!

1. Dress with fringes, €39,95
2. Long flowered, €79,95
3. Asymmetric skirt, €39,95
4. Black/nude romantic skirt, €29,95
5. Dress with the prettiest back ever, €29,95
6. Asymmetric skirt, €39,95

Do you already have a S/S wishlist?